Zachary’s Bar Mitzvah – Photography Minnespolis

Mazel Tov to Zac and his family on his recent bar mitzvah. I had the pleasure to photograph his celebration on a nice spring morning at Temple Israel. We did portraits before the service and Zac was great to work with. He and his sister brought a lot spirit to the photos which is always fun.

Zac did a wonderful job helping leading the morning service as I continued with photos from the balcony. After the service and a brief kiddish, family and friends headed over to REM5 in Saint Louis Park for a virtual reality celebration. It was my first event at REM5 and it’s quite the place for kids and adults alike. VR games, pizza & wings, a photobooth and socializing made for a perfect afternoon for this avid gamer. Zac had a great time, and so did everyone else.

Enjoy the photos here and then follow this link to see all the photos from Zac’s big day.